Find The Meaning of Life Without Losing Your Glasses.


Non-traditional coach for
Non-traditional boomers

I’m Robert, a relationship and transformational coach that helps people through transitions and building communication in relationships. My interest in psychedelics came in 2014, when I did LSD on a kayaking trip with friends. I was apprehensive at first given my last experience with psychedelics decades before was harrowing enough to have me stay away from them for 25 years. What I discovered was how profound and connected psychedelics made me feel. That remarkable sense of connection posed a very different question to me at the age of 50, versus 17. It led me on a decade long path of working with everything from meditation to ayahuasca, I began to see both the pitfalls and promise of these medicines that are having a comeback in the conversations of healing, wellbeing, and general happiness.

These experiences and connection with the broader psychedelic community has shaped me into the person I am today. I am more than happy to help you navigate this emerging landscape around psychedelics. Whether you are new to the concepts of this work, or returning after a lifetime of career and family life, I can help you move intentionally and carefully in the space. Reach out below and set up a call to discuss how I can help you.

Embracing Imperfection, Inspiring CHANGE

“Trust only movement.
Life happens at the level of events, not of words.
Trust movement.” 


Psychedelics are sparking conversations everywhere, yet they're not a one-size-fits-all solution. These powerful tools for enhancing mental health and well-being require respect, careful preparation, and experienced guidance—much like preparing for a major expedition. My own journey has shown me that with thoughtful intention and thorough integration, profound and lasting transformations are possible. If you're curious and ready to engage actively in reshaping your life, I'm here to support and guide you. Let’s explore together how these ancient tools can unlock new pathways in your life. Schedule a free discovery call with me today and start a transformative journey.


Transform Your Mind

While psychedelics can be powerful tools for self-discovery and healing, they aren't a magic fix for life’s challenges. It's crucial to start with the right mindset and preparation. Psychedelics can help illuminate areas of your life that need attention, but it's up to you to take those insights and make meaningful changes. I’ll guide you through this journey with intention, ensuring you explore these experiences safely and with purpose.


Many of us had our first experience with mushrooms or LSD in high school or college, and due to the remarkable effect these substances have on the consciousness, it is no surprise that they remain as memorable experiences! But new research is now transpiring around the significant and positive impact these medicines are having on the brain and emotional well-being when used intentionally. Psychedelics are also being used at much smaller, or “micro doses,” so the dramatic and intense affects you remember are not the only option for getting the benefits they are affording more and more people. 

I tried psychedelics when I was in my 20’s. I remember the experience as being remarkable, but intense. How would it be different now that I’m older?

Get Your Questions, Answered

Absolutely, exploring new paths to wellness can be highly beneficial. While psychedelics may not be suitable for everyone, I offer a variety of other holistic methods that can significantly enhance your quality of life. Engaging in daily practices such as mindfulness meditation, gratitude journaling, breathwork, and yoga can gradually shift your mindset and improve your overall well-being. My coaching is designed to support men and women in their senior years, helping you navigate life's transitions and challenges to live your best life, no matter what you’re facing.

My health has deteriorated over the years and I am on a lot of medication. Are there other possibilities for helping me without using them? 

Schedule a free 30 minute discovery call to see how I can help you achieve your life goals. Or help you plan a successful retirement. Or move to a new country. You are the master of your world and I can provide you with the tools and resources to conquer it.

i can help you


"Robert has helped me navigate generational wounds."

“He is a wonderful coach and a sympathetic listener who has helped me navigate generational wounds. Robert's hands-on experience with harm reduction techniques gives me confidence that I'll be taken care of as I embark on a high dose journey.” -Jeff H., 2024

I do not provide psychoactive or controlled substances, nor am I a licensed therapist, counselor, or medical professional. Any information received through my services should be considered for educational purposes and not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. Please use your discretion to ensure my services meet your needs.